Online assessment: an introduction to math software which generates individualized assessments and feedback. Advanced Differentiation: Revision of differentiation; Maclaurin and Taylor series. Applications of Differentiation: Optimization, Differential equations. Advanced Integration: Revision of integration; Integration by substitution; Integration by parts; Integration using partial fractions. Applications of Integration: Area under and between curves; Average value; Curve length; Separation of variables for 1st order ODEs; Approximate integration (Trapezoidal rule). Complex Numbers: Definition; Real and imaginary parts; Arithmetic of complex numbers; Solving quadratic equations; The Argand diagram; Modulus and argument; the polar form of a complex number; The exponential form; De Moivre's theorem. Matrices: Definition and notation for matrices; Null (zero) matrix; Identity matrix; Trans-pose matrix; Addition and subtraction; Multiplication by a scalar; Matrix multiplication; The2x2 and 3x3 determinant; The inverse of a 2x2 matrix; Solving systems of linear equations; formulating problems in matrix form.
- Teacher: Dr. Amal Sayed 53
- Teacher: Eng. Samar Hamdy 69