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Background: Review of complex numbers, sketching signals, partial fraction
expansion, etc. Introduction to MATLAB: basic operations. Signals and Systems:
Basic definitions, properties, classification and examples of signals and systems.
Introduction to MATLAB: working with functions. Time-Domain analysis of Linear
Time-invariant Continuous (LTIC) Systems: Differential equation model for LTIC
systems and analysis: characteristic modes, zero-input response, impulse response,
zero-state response, convolution operation (definition, properties, and examples),
stability. Application to RLC circuits. Introduction to MATLAB: M-files. LaplaceDomain analysis of Linear Time-invariant Continuous (LTIC) Systems: Laplace
transform (definition, properties, and examples), algebraic equation model for LTIC
systems and analysis: zero-input response, transfer function, zero-state response,
poles and zeros, stability, frequency response, Bode plots. Transformed RLC
networks, RLC system realization. Introduction to MATLAB: continuous-time filters
(low-pass, high-pass). Continuous-time signal analysis - the Fourier series:
Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series for periodic signals (definition,
properties and examples), Fourier spectrum, series convergence, Gibbs phenomenon,
Parseval theorem, LTIC system response to periodic signals. Introduction to
MATLAB: Fourier series applications (Gibbs phenomenon etc.).
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